Brief User Guide for the General Euler Diagram Embedding Tool
the General Embedding Tool
This tool needs Java 1.6 or greater download
Java here
Please note: This
tool is experimental. It is subject to unexpected crashes and input
validation is not really performed.
The software is based on the research
in this paper:
General Euler Diagram Generation.
Peter Rodgers, Leishi Zhang, and Andrew Fish.
In Proceeding Diagrams 2008, LNCS (LNAI) 5223, pages 13-27. Springer,
September 2008.
Follow this for the full text in .pdf format.
Quick start for displaying an Euler diagram
- Quickest: Press “F1”, then enter the
required abstract description and press "OK" form a superdual, press “F2”
to get a plane dual graph from the superdual. Press “c”
to show the diagram.
- Still Quick: Pressing “F1” to “F5”
in sequence, followed by “o” will produce a better laid
out diagram than the previous bullet.
If you have a connected plane dual graph on the display, with an
empty vertex in the outer face and no duplicate vertex labels, then
the following functions will work:
- “View”→“Toggle Show Triangulation”
(also “t” key) shows/hides
the graph triangulation
- “View”→“Toggle Show Contours”
(also “c” key) shows/hides
the Euler diagram
- “View”→“Toggle Show Optimization”
(also “o” key) shows/hides
the Euler diagram with optimized curves
- “View”→“Toggle Show Graph”
(also “g” key) shows/hides
the dual graph
Euler Diagram Functions
- “Euler Diagram”→“Find
Superdual from Abstract Description” (also “F1”
key) brings up a dialog
which allows an abstract description to be entered. This must not
include duplicate zones, and must include the empty set “0”.
Zones may be placed in any order. The generated superdual is placed
in the window with a random layout when “OK” is pressed.
A valid random abstract description appears in the text box when the
“Random Diagram” button is pressed.
- “Euler Diagram”→“Find Plane
Dual from Superdual” (also “F2” key)
forms a plane graph from the superdual, removing edges if required.
Note due to a bug, some extra edges may also be removed with this
- “Euler Diagram”→“Connect
Disconnected Components” (also “F3” key)
attempts to add edges to reduce duplicate curve labels in the
resultant diagram.
- “Euler Diagram”→“Correct
Unnecessary Brushing Points” (also “F4”
key) adds in edges (sometimes
chains of edges to route through complex faces), when required, to
reduce concurrency in the resultant diagram.
- “Euler Diagram”→“Apply Spring
Embedder to Triangulated Dual” (also “F5”
key) attempts to layout the
dual to improve the routing of curves around the faces of the graph.
Editing The Graph
It is possible to create any required dual, and manually lay it
out using these editing functions.
Note that the graph must:
- be plane (no edge crossings)
- have the empty vertex on the outside face
These things may cause problems:
- duplicate vertex labels
- having a disconnected graph
The menu options under the “Euler Diagram” menu, or
keys "F1"-"F5" give the basic operations required to create an effective
dual for embedding an Euler diagram
- Adding vertices: double left click on the background.
- Moving vertices: drag the vertex with the left mouse
- Adding edges: right mouse press over start edge and
drag mouse to target vertex.
- Editing items: double left click on item. This brings
up an editing dialog with suitable fields.
- Selecting vertices and edges: either one at a time
with a left mouse click over the item, or a group with a left mouse
drag to form a selection rectangle. Additional items can be added to
the selection by pressing “Ctrl” whilst left mouse
clicking items.
- Deleting items: select required items and then press
the “Delete” key.
- Add Edge Bend: add an edge bend in the nearest
straight edge segment to the target by selecting the edge and
choosing “Edit” → “Add Edge Bend”.
- Remove Edge Bends. Select an edge and choose “Edit”
→ “Add Edge Bend”. This removes all the edge bends
in the graph
- Types. There are various functions for controlling the
appearance of “types” of vertices and edges. Items with
the same type share the same appearance. Commands to manipulate
types are in the “Edit” menu.
- Editing Groups of vertices and edges a number of items can be edited at the
same time in the “Edit” menu.
- Undo. Not implemented.